Start Getting Features in
30 Days even without a PR record 

During a 6 Month retainer, get 50 features in order to be able to showcase your brand authority!


You are the expert. 

Do other people know it? 
They will with PR!

This is what you have been doing

You have been trying to pitch yourself to land on podcasts, but you just are not having any luck. 

You are speaking over and over again to your same instagram audience, but have dreams to grow your reach. 

You know you are incredible at what you do, but your clients are the only people that know it. 

Your VA Has been trying to pitch and has landed nothing for you and you feel defeated. 

Our DFY PR Pitching helps you land features in 30 days and leaves you with 50 features in 6 months. 


What if you could have your pitching completely done for you every single month?

We go over strategy to continue your PR journey and focus in on more and more ways to custom have reach for you! Even if you do not resign, you will learn how to maximize the features you have landed in your offboarding. 



We are making sure to maximize on our features to land more high level features like speaking, collaborations and more. Data is always driving our choices. You receive guidance on maximizing every feature. 


Month 4-6

We are working to rewrite your Google Search. We want to get as many podcasts and press as possible while also opening doors for the speaking roles as well. This is a key foundational part of the PR strategy. 


Month 1-3

You will receive your form to complete your onboarding information. I want to amke sure that we have everything that we need so that systems are set up and you get to just show up to the recordings on your calendar.  We will come on our call ready with your topics and to hit the ground running!



When working with GBM, we make sure this process is seamless and an efficient process for you and your team. 

How Does it Work?

the deets

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Join PR now for a 6 month Retainer to get 50 features!

The Investment

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6 payments of

Alex Larson is a registered dietitian who came to me ready to be known for her work. With features in Women's Health, Peleton, and, she is landing new followers and a growing email list. She has seen an increase in website traffic that allowed her to monetize her blog. She is also seeing paid speaking roles and more opportunities coming. 

Alex Larson, Registered Dietitian 

With features in Women's Health, Peleton, and, she is landing new followers, paid blog, and a growing email list.

Paige came to GBM with a lot of speaking opportunities to manage and needed to pass that off. She also wanted to build her affiliate program and knew she needed press to showcase how great she is as a lawyer. She has a custom designed PR strategy with affiliates involved as well as speaking in masterminds, and landing new speaking roles outside her network. 

Paige Griffith, The Legal Paige

Paige landed Entrepreneur in her first month with GBM

Jason is a registered dietitian who came to me with a small following and recently switched careers from finance to working with nutrition. He wanted to make a name for himself and we did just that. He is on multiple large podcasts, has numerous articles and is a regular to Women's Health writers who use him as their go to source and now has double his website traffic and a booked out list of clients. 

Jason Levee, Registered Dietitian 

With less than 200 followers, Jason became booked out and doubled website traffic.

Dielle was earning 7 figures and still only had her own website and a couple of results for when you googled her name. We now see pages and pages for her name from Forbes (4x), Entrepreneur, and more. She was on podcasts with over 20 million downloads and she even was a Success magazine and Entreprenista100 award winner. This gives her negotiation power as she looks for sponsors for live events and more. 

Dielle Charon, Sales and Business Coach for WOC

Dielle went from no Google results as a 7 figure earner to pages and pages. 

Kierra came to me ready to get more eyes on her brand. She wanted more people to know her for her work. We worked through her topics and she took our strategy ideas when we saw the data telling us she needed to be a launch expert. She ended her retainer feeling no longer alone in her work, being flown across the country for speaking, and having a community of like minded business owners. 

Kierra COnover, Launch Specialist

Kierra left feeling she had a circle of connections and more opportunity than ever. 

Kim is an online personal trainer for moms and a mom influencer. She has landed numerous podcast and press pieces, improving her google search results. She was even able to use all features to have her team create marketing content while she was gone on maternity leave completely without her. 

kim perry, Personal Trainer for moms

Kim improved her SEO and used PR to go on maternity leave

What happens from here?

Get featured in the first 30 days, then from there continue to build up your thought leadership with more SEO building features, opportunities, and network growth. 

Leave with 50 Features!


Land Features

Complete our onboarding form  + call and then we will have everything we need to start getting you pitched and featured



Hop on a sales call where I give you your 6 month PR strategy and answer any questions you may have.


Hop on a Sales call

Head to the application form to apply and our team will get back to you. 

Apply for our Services


PR is strategy based and your strategy needs an expert who is focused in on solely pitching your brand to be in front of more eyes. 

Leave with 50 features to rewrite your Google search results!

Stop Letting Your VA Pitch You With No Results



Most come with no features or 1-2 that they were on a friends podcast. It does not matter where you are, we can still get pitching. We implement the strategy for you and your goals. We have had clients with less than 200 followers dive into PR and now have waitlists for their services. 

Your follower count and revenue does not matter. As long as you know what you want to be known for, you are ready for PR! We have had clients from 200 followers to over 200K followers!

I am a beginner with no pr. Can I get Results? I don't have a lot of followers or haven't hit 7 figures

You have received those DMs before that say pay to be featured in Forbes etc. Here at GBM we pride ourselves in not paying to play. We land our features via good pitching instead. Sometimes, we have application fees for awards, but GBM covers this and this will be from inside of your retainer fees. You will not have additional costs for services inside of your retainer. 

Do I pay extra for features or is it just the retainer? 

We are landing features in the first 30 days for you to get started, but over the 6 months, we are able to build on those base features in order to land higher level features, keep building SEO and review and analyze data to see what is landing for the audience. 6 months allows a full strategy to roll out and grow. 

We want you to leave with 50 features after the six months so that you can truly have a new 3 pages of your Google Search results.

Why Is it a 6 month retainer if I can get featured in 30 days? 

We see the way that PR builds great SEO. This means that when someone searches your name, or your niche, you are landing more in Google with all of these features. These features are also creating back links to your site, leaving your site more accessible and from there, people needing your services. 

You are also building thought leadership meaning when people see places you have been featured, they learn to trust you more outside of what a client testimonial on your own site can do. 

You are also being seen by aligned people who want you with our strategic pitching, meaning people that see you are ready to learn from. you via following socials, email lists, sales calls etc. 

How does PR Help me make sales? 

PR is a year round thing! There are always new places that need to be filled with articles and new podcast episodes coming out. All times of the year there is good PR, including the holidays!

IS there a time of year i should start?

You have a monthly 60 minute call available for you to book!

Do I have access to you?

If you are not ready for a full 6 months, check out our VIP day!

IS there something shorter than 6 months?

We will need you of course to open up some time on your calendar. We have clients who set aside 2 full days a month and we book up those days. We have clients who tell us the max per week that they want to take. We work together to come up with a strategy that is productive to PR, but also keeps your calendar in mind. 

What is the time commitment?