I hate when you sign up with a new team member then you spend your days going back and forth one by and giving them everything they need to get started.
That’s why here at Genieva Bliss Media, I have a seamless onboarding process.
I don’t want to keep coming back to you and your team. I want to know that when we start, we hit the ground running and I know everything I need.
At onboarding, I have a seamless system with a questionnaire you fill out on your own time to give me what I need there. We have set folders in your drive so your team can bookmark them and upload any new assets. I have access to launch calendars so I know what to look out for. I know exactly how to get revisions on video and where to go to get your team to add a new logo to your website for your next big featured piece.
We are a fine tuned machine and you don’t have to stress. I want visibility to be something you’re just seeing the results of without work on your end.
Ready to get rolling? Let’s get you featured.