As a business owner or entrepreneur, getting featured in the media can be a game-changer. But what happens when you craft the perfect pitch, hit send, and… nothing? If a journalist or podcast host doesn’t respond to your pitch, don’t panic! Here’s what to do next to maximize your chances of landing the feature. 1. […]

DIY PR Tips, Media Outreach 101, Pitch Writing

What to Do When a Journalist or Host Doesn’t Respond to Your Pitch


Today I wanted to debunk the rumor that you can only land big press names like Forbes if you pay a feature fee.  This is not true.  The way my clients have landed in Forbes multiple times (I have one client who has been featured 5x now!) is by writing pitches that provide value for […]

DIY PR Tips, Media Outreach 101, Pitch Writing

you don’t need to pay for press features
